Rate Yielding Software

Rate Yielding Software

Rate Wise Rate Yielding Software
Our Rate Yielding Software extracts the data from your PMS and can automatically distribute your new rates back to your PMS or Channel Manager depending on your set up. Our software can be used as a standalone system without connecting it to your PMS or Channel Manager. Our Rate Yielding tool displays your Business on the Books and rate suggestions for all future dates on an easy-to-read screen, and defaults to display from today’s date. Attention will be drawn to the dates that require rate reviews – this reduces the time needed to review your rate suggestions, as you don’t have to review every future date – the system does the work for you.
On the top of the main screen, you can note any events happening in the hotel or in the area that may cause a spike in your ADR – particularly if it’s a one-off event and not likely to occur again.
Pick up
Rooms Pickup
Your Pickup is listed on the yield screen so you can see exactly how many rooms you have picked up or washed each day for all future dates. This helps identify trends in your pick up so you can be pro-active in implementing your strategy.

Once you have been using the Rate Wise RMS for 12 months, the system will start populating your SDLY (Same Day Last Year) figures – this gives you a snapshot of how many rooms you had sold at this time last year and what your selling rate was. We will always be able to display your final figures as well so you will be able to see how the day finished last year by letting you know your total number of rooms sold and total revenue.

Financial Data Screen
Competitor set

The system is easy to navigate and draws your attention to any day or month that needs review of rates.


Find out more

Are you interested in our Business Analytics Tool? Contact Rita at [email protected] to find out more!