According to L2 Interactive data over 80% of travellers booking on hotel websites abandon their reservations. Most people quote the extended and complicated booking process as the main reason.
Compared to the likes of and Expedia hotel booking forms are usually much more extensive and the majority of properties still require booking deposits at the time of booking. These websites also have many ‘call to action’ prompts and ‘best price/deal’ messages suggesting that their websites, and not hotel’s, offers the best price.
- Compare your booking path to an OTA and make sure the number of mandatory fields on the booking form are reduced to a bare minimum.
- Revise charging a booking deposit.
- Start using a price check widget. This tool provides rate transparency and allows the potential booker to compare hotel’s direct rate to that of 3 different OTAs and choose the best deal.
- Create secret deals on your hotel’s website. This can be done through special PROMO codes.
- Make your policies evident on social media channels, e.g. Book Direct for the very best deal. OTAs are constantly using messages like ‘Best Price’ or ‘Best Deal’ which attract the customer.
- Ensure that you’re sending out the same message using all your social media platforms and your website.
Travellers want to know they’re getting the best possible price in a market with many options so it’s important to ensure it is your own website that offers that option.
Following the above steps and constantly researching new ways to improve will help you achieve that.
Speak to our revenue management team now on how to improve direct traffic to your website. For more information please contact [email protected]